A Garden Tour in England - Kent & Somerset

A garden trip to England is the dream trip of all garden lovers.  Where to start?  There is so much to explore and discover.  This tour includes a balanced mix of historic and contemporary gardens, renowned private gardens and well-kept secrets.  If this is your first time visiting English gardens, you'll come away awed and inspired.  If you've been there before, you'll be enchanted all over again, and delighted with new ideas.   We start in London and drive south to Kent, where we visit Sissinghurst and Great Dixter.  Moving West, we explore several private gardens, some historic, some modern, all horticulturally accomplished.  In Somerset, highlights include Iford Manor and the Oudolf Field in Bruton.  5-6 days. 


May to September.


KK Streator

Sasqua Garden Club

Garden Trip to the Cotswolds

June 2023

Elise L.


What a marvelous trip -- it was even better than I had hoped. Really, you keep outdoing yourself. Your organizational skills and your attention to detail made every day seem smooth, and we all know that doesn't just happen by chance!  It was a great selection of gardens -- old gardens, new gardens, historic gardens and modern ones, all fascinating.  I have so many beautiful images whirling in my head -- I keep going back to the invaluable book you made for us, just trying to sort it all out.

July 2016

A Garden Tour in England - Sample Itinerary

Day 1

Meet me in the late morning in London, board our private bus and drive to Berkshire to visit a private garden in the arts and crafts style with a contemporary twist.  Stay at boutique garden hotel in Sussex.


Day 2

We visit Great Dixter and Sissinghurst


Day 3



The Collector Earl’s Garden,  at Arundel Castle, designed in 2008 by Isabel and  Julian Bannerman,.

Bramdean House, Bramdean, Hampshire, famous for its symmetrical herbaceous borders.


Day 4

Stavordale Priory, Charlton Musgrove, Somerset:   Originally laid out in the late 19th Century but  transformed by Georgia Langton in the late 1970s and the the present owners since in 1993. 

The Oudolf Field at  Durslade Farm, the Somerset branch of Hauser &Wirth gallery.

Shute House, Shaftesbury, Dorset:  Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe’ s favorite  and, some say, his finest work. 


Day 5

Iford Manor, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire:   The Peto Gardens, lovingly restored by the current owners.


At airport in time for evening flight.